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Please note, all courses must be paid for at time of booking and are non-refundable. To find out dates and book call the office click link to calendar ... 

Changing lives through horses 

Fletchers Farm Riding School are proud to be an official Changing Lives Through Horses centre partner. We deliver The British Horse Society (BHS) programme which aims to improve the lives of disengaged young people who, for various reasons, are at risk of becoming excluded. 
The programme gives young people, regardless of their background, the opportunity to develop their skills enabling them to return to education and/or employment. 
***We are proud to announce that through charitable funding from the Essex Trust and BHS CLTH program we are offering termly fully funded horse care and riding courses on a Wednesday morning for seconday school children with anxiety at risk of non-attendance at school. Please contact the manager for more details*** 
Nearly one in ten 16-18 year olds are not in education, employment or training (NEET), while one in four young people struggle with low self-esteem, wellbeing and mental health problems. Changing Lives through Horses has the potential to reach these people at a critical point in their lives. 
Using horses as the inspiration for change, the programme provides an alternative learning environment to mainstream education. The skills developed through the programme meet the requirements of ongoing education and training, employers and 
participants. With the horse at the core of the learning environment, young people develop a variety of life skills ranging from everyday communication through to teamwork and understanding responsibility. 
The programme aims to develop vital life skills required by the young person to succeed in education, employment and adult life. The young person's development is monitored through an individual tracker and wellbeing survey. 
Please email: manager@fletchersfarm.co.uk for a referral form and more information about the program.  


We offer lessons, horse care sessions and pony rides to all levels of riders as well as a wide range of courses and activities. We currently fulfill a number of contracts with local authority funded units and schools during the week days for horse riding activities. We can tailor make packages to meet individual needs, always focusing on what is the best approach for the children attending, based on what outcomes and goals we are looking to achieve. There are many physical, mental and emotional benefits of learning to ride. It improves balance and coordination and helps to develop fitness and muscle strength. It encourages responsibility and self-discipline and helps to improve self-confidence. 
For more information on what we can offer please email: manager@fletchersfarm.co.uk 
The benefits of horse riding and being around animals are wide-ranging, especially for children with additional requirements or those at risk of leaving education. 
Fletchers Farm Riding School received approval at the start of 2018 from one of our national governing bodies, the British Horse Society (BHS), to offer their Changing Lives Program. For more details please see Changing Lives Through Horses box below. 
All admissions are subject to review by the manager of Fletchers Farm Riding School. 
Helen Hill 
Email: manager@fletchersfarm.co.uk 
Telephone: 01206 242210 


The Fletchers Farm Group of Riding for the Disabled meets every Monday morning during the Summer and Autumn terms. 
The Group has been operating since 1987 and runs three sessions each of 30 minutes. The first two sessions are for children from Lexden Springs, a local school and the third is for children who are booked in privately. 
We rely on volunteers and are always looking for helpers so if you are interested please do contact us on 07786 266393, by email ian-gibbs@btconnect.com, or via the staff at the stables. Don`t worry if you have no experience with horses, as full training is given. We need three helpers with each child, one to lead the pony and two as side walkers. 
The aim is for the children to develop muscles, balance and core strength by the actual riding and the exercises they learn. They also learn colours, shapes, numbers etc during the games we play. 
If you would like to come and see what it`s all about then please phone the above number and Linda will arrange a visit for you. 
We are totally self-funding, so if anyone would like to help by holding a coffee morning or running a marathon, all donations are most gratefully received. We are also happy to visit organisations and give a talk about Riding for the Disabled.